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Residential Real Estate Now Listed as an Essential Service

Residential Real Estate is now listed as an essential service in the March 28, 2020 Federal list of Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers.

Today, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA updated its list of essential services during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) crisis and expressly included residential real estate.

Since Governor Newsom’s March 4, 2020 order incorporates this list, the order now include residential and commercial real estate, including settlement services as essential services in California. However, if a city or county has an order with a more restrictive standard regarding what qualifies as an essential service, or more restrictions on activities, those guidelines will still govern the activities of a licensee.

Notwithstanding this new development, all real estate licensees must take into account the health and safety of their clients and fellow licensees and follow the protocols that exist for protecting against the spread of COVID-19.

If such heath safeguards and protocols are not followed, the rule for the state could easily change to stop or restrict all real estate activity. To that end, in conformity with current health guidelines, real estate licensees should follow all CDC and local health mandates.

1. No open houses should be held.

2. Showings should be done virtually, if at all possible.

I'll be reaching out to my active clients to explain what this means, but please feel free to contact me directly with questions as to how this effects real estate transactions.

Your advocate as always,

Tamara Z


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Tamara Zyhylij (za-haley) 


DRE# 01368097

CA Real Estate Broker
Tamara Z Real Estate
Mobile/Direct: 619-865-1389

© 2024 Tamara Z Real Estate

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Tamara Zyhylij is a real estate broker licensed by the State of California and abides by Equal Housing Opportunity laws. License Number 01368097.  All material presented herein is intended for informational purposes only. Information is compiled from sources deemed reliable but is subject to errors, omissions, changes in price, condition, sale or withdrawal without notice. No statement is made as to accuracy of any description. All measurements and square footages are approximate. This is not intended to solicit property already listed. Nothing herein shall be construed as legal, accounting or other professional advice outside the realm of real estate brokerage.

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